Feet (Bodymap, 1)

I only have two.

They grow and shrink, lumps

and bones, distorted

and perfectly flawed.

They arc in lovely

lines, dangling toe-buds

like pearl drops & chains.

They fracture/fragile.

They are beautugly.

I love them. They keep

walking, and walking,

even when they ache.

They each have their own

name, but they won’t talk

about it. One is drawn

with blue waterways,

gaps patched over with

lime and whitewash. Clean,

exquisitely fresh.

The other flushes

pink and gold and orange

like a swollen dawn,

gaudy with heat. It’s

hard to guess they’re twins,

mirroring right and left.

One is labeled: “If

someone forces you

to go one mile, go

with them for two miles.”

The other’s labeled:

“For they will be shown

mercy.” Come along,

they whisper, with us.

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